OpenSwap Bridge Vault Fixed Staking ~ We Go Again!

OpenSwap DEX
3 min readMay 12, 2022

Hello Trolls,

We have been receiving comments asking for the next fixed staking campaign and this is our answer: Another round of fixed staking!

The parameters of the campaign are similar to our last round, 14 and 30 days options with their respective rates being 15% and 18%.

We hope that with the fixed staking campaign continued, our loyal followers will be rewarded in these turbulent times.

On another note, please stay tuned to our socials, we will be releasing some exciting bridge news shortly.

Fixed Staking on OpenSwap Bridge Vault

In light of OpenSwap’s expansion to Avalanche, we are excited to announce a fixed staking event on OpenSwap Single Asset Bridge Vault. Here are the campaign details:

Campaign Start Date: Thursday, 12 May 2022
Campaign Start Time: Approx. ~ 1 pm UTC

14 Days: 15% APY
30 Days: 18% APY

Quick Guide Below 👇

Step 1: Go to the Fixed Staking Page on Avalanche by visiting and connect to Avalanche Mainnet C-Chain

Step 2: Choose whether you want to participate in 14 Days or 30 Days fixed staking campaign

Step 3: Click on the “Get vtOSWAP” button

Step 4: Add Liquidity to OSWAP Vault on Avalanche Mainnet C-Chain

Step 5: Insert the OSWAP amount you would like to stake

Step 6: Go back to the Fixed Staking Page and click on the “Stake” button

Step 7: Stake your vtOSWAP token and enjoy the rewards after the fixed staking period!


* Reward Boost for OpenSwap Bridge Troll NFT(s) obtained from Binance Smart Chain will not be applicable to community incentives on Avalanche.

** In case of disputes or unpredicted events, OpenSwap reserves the right to change, amend, reinterpret, suspend, and/or terminate the staking campaign at any time with or without prior notice.

What’s a Bridge Vault?

For Trolls of you who have been paying attention to our updates, you may already be aware that the OpenSwap Bridge relies on the Bridge Vaults to function.

Bridge Vaults essentially act as a median between the chains with our Troll network connecting them. They provide 1:1 trade (before fees) and provide the enablement of token bridging. Other multi-chain projects can also use this function to help with their token flow between different chains.

About OpenSwap

OpenSwap is the world’s first DEX providing on-chain swaps at zero slippage with hybrid smart routing, and a single asset crosschain bridge. As the DeFi universe continues to expand, liquidity becomes increasingly scattered across multiple chains and the situation is poised to get worse as new chains emerge with individual DEXs on each chain. The OpenSwap team has been working for the past several months on building up a vision of a greater OpenSwap ecosystem that will become every crypto project’s BFF through a set of key offerings that will empower teams to establish funding and sustained token health, allowing teams to focus on what they do best — BUIDL.

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OpenSwap DEX

Integrated DeFi Hub designed for the decentralized landscape. Currently on Binance Smart Chain.